
In Furnas, volcanic activity is a tangible part of everyday life. With 22 hot springs and a river of boiling water, the area is a clear demonstration of the geothermal energy of the place. Caldeira das Furnas, located in the village itself, is particularly remarkable. Here, hot springs, streams and cavities, each with its own name, such as "caldeira pequena" or "caldeira seca," illustrate the geothermal dynamics at work. A walk around the area gives you a clear idea that the earth here is far from inactive.

Furnas Lagoon

Lagoa das Furnas, a mirror of deep green water, stands like a magical oasis near Furnas. Its unique hue is not mere chance, but the result of years of accumulation of organic matter. Here, the volcano gives a whisper of its power, offering a natural display in the form of calderas and fumaroles that line its northern flank. For a small fee of €3, visitors can walk along wooden walkways, peering into the bubbling calderas and fumaroles, like windows into the bowels of the earth. Undaunted local cats sunbathe on the hot ground, adding a surreal touch to the landscape.


Next to the fumaroles it is very common to find the cauldrons of different restaurants to prepare Cocido das Furnas, a culinary tradition that is now well established. For many locals, this dish, cooked slowly in the belly of the earth, encapsulates the essence of the Azores. The process of removing the cocido is like a ritual that celebrates the union between the earth and the table, something that appeals with bemusement to tourists but has become popular in other corners of Macaronesia such as on the Canary Island of Lanzarote, where it is also cooked in the bowels of the earth. 

There are many places of interest surrounding this lagoon which, like so many others in the archipelago, lies in the ancient caldera of a crater. Not far away are the Termas de Poça da Dona Beija thermal baths with 5 thermal pools with average temperatures of 39 degrees Celsius, surrounded by vegetation. A river of boiling water also runs through the grounds and they are especially attractive at night when the lights create a relaxing atmosphere. Depending on the weather; on cool days, it is a pleasure to enjoy them for hours. The water has a yellow colour due to cyanobacteria related to high levels of iron. Nearby you can also enjoy the Miradouro do Lombo dos minhos, Salto do Cavalo in the direction of Tronqueira and the Terra Nostra Park, a botanical garden with a very popular lake. But the most exciting spot is undoubtedly the Mata Jardim de José do Campo, next to the boat house on the shore of the lake and very close to the interpretation centre.